Winter weather ECC handbook reminder
Inclement Weather
Late Start
In the event that College Community School District has a late start due to inclement weather all AM ½ Day Preschool Classes will be cancelled. ECC will try to follow traditional business hours. If weather is deemed too severe or prevents the ECC from providing adequate care, a decision to close or delay the start of the program will be made no later than 6:00am. If this occurs, ECC will provide updated information on the District website, In addition, the district will strive to post information on local news stations, KCRG Channel 9 & KWWL Channel 7.
Early Outs
In the event that the College Community School District has an early dismissal due to inclement weather, all ½ Day PM Preschool Classes will be cancelled. ECC will always try to remain open. However, if the safety of our staff and children becomes a concern, ECC reserves the right to close early. If a decision is made to close programs early all parents whose children are in attendance that day, will be directly notified by phone, approximately 2 hours prior to the designated closing time. If we are unable to reach parents, emergency contacts will be notified.
In the event that College Community School District closes for the day due to weather, all preschool classes will be cancelled. ECC will make every attempt to remain open. If weather is deemed too severe or prevents ECC from providing adequate care, a decision to close programs will be made no later than 6:00am. If this occurs, ECC will provide updated information on the District website, In addition, the district will strive to post information on local news stations, KCRG Channel 9 and KWWL Channel 7.